Volume 1, Number 1 (2023)
Year Launched: 2023
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The Mediating Role of Childhood Traumas in the Relationship between Somatic Symptoms, Self-Perception, and Splitting in University Students

Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2023     |     PP. 1-17      |     PDF (1241 K)    |     Pub. Date: December 12, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/ajpc3181002    33 Downloads     84374 Views  


Mahsum Avcı, Bingöl University, Turkey

This study aimed to examine the mediating role of childhood traumas in the relationship between somatic symptoms, self-perception and division in university students. Within the scope of the study, a total of 220 university students, 154 (70.0%) female and 66 (30.0%) male, participated in the study with the convenient sampling method, which is one of the non-random sampling methods. Since the study was conducted in predictive correlational design, Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to determine the relationship between variables in the study. Then, Regression-based mediation analysis was performed for mediation through the Jamovi Package Program. In statistical analysis, the level of significance was taken as .05. Childhood trauma scores, which are mediator variables, have a positive relationship with somatic symptoms and division scores within the scope of the study, and a negative and low level significant relationship with self-perception scores. When childhood trauma level was included in the model as a mediator variable to this significant relationship, it was determined that the relationship between students' division levels and somatic symptom levels was statistically significant, but the effect decreased. According to this result, it was determined that the level of childhood trauma had a partial mediating role in the relationship between the social comparison level of university students and somatic symptoms. The model shows that childhood traumas negatively affect the division, somatic symptoms and self-perception of university students.

Childhood Trauma, Somatization, Split, Self-Perception, University Students

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Mahsum Avcı, The Mediating Role of Childhood Traumas in the Relationship between Somatic Symptoms, Self-Perception, and Splitting in University Students , American Journal of Psychology and Counselling. Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2023 | PP. 1-17. 10.54647/ajpc3181002


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